although there are some people among the believers of hinduism and jainism in india who eat only vegetables as a practice of ahimsa , the term of shojin ryori is basically used in connection with buddhism . なお、インドのヒンドゥー教徒やジャイナ教徒にも不殺生として菜食を習慣とする人がいるが、精進料理は基本的に仏教と関係したものに限られる。
in this period , a dispute arose among the believers of fujufuse in okayama concerning whether or not ' horyu ' were allowed to act as doshi (lead chanter ) and this dispute became a problem not only in okayama but in the entire fujufuse school . またこの時期岡山の不受不施派では、法立が導師を務めることが出来るか否かをめぐり導師不導師の論争が起こり岡山だけではなく不受不施派全体の問題となった。